Below you will find an overview of the improvements made in the previous versions:
Version 5.20
Windows 10 Creators Update improvements
Firefox x64 support added
Improved support for high DPI systems like the Surface Pro series
Several performance and stability improvements
Version 5.10
Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge improvements
Enhanced Dynamic IP routing options
Improved WiFi handling, compatibility and speed
Improved Automatic Network Detection
Several performance and stability improvements
Version 5.00
Version number updated to reflect internal changes and improvements
Improved Windows 10 support
Enhanced program startup and profile switching performance
Several performance and stability improvements
Version 4.30
Official support for Windows 10 added
General enhancements for Windows 7 and Windows 8
Improved Administrator managed lockdown options
Several performance and stability improvements
Version 4.20
Improved Windows 8.1 support
Display projection settings added (switch your monitor to external or internal display mode)
Several performance and stability improvements
Version 4.11
Improved Export Settings option for Windows 8 and Windows 7
Improved support for 125% and 150% DPI display settings
Several improvements and enhancements made throughout the program
Version 4.10
Windows 8 enhancements added
Support for Opera x64 added
Resolved several IP and WINS addressing issues
Version 4.03
Enhanced Proxy Server support for multi protocols (HTTP/HTTPS/FTP, etc)
Resolved several Automatic Network Detection issues
Several minor improvements made throughout the program
Version 4.00
Automatic Network Detection added
This feature has been requested by many
Mobile Net Switch users. We have been working hard to design and implement this fully automated and seamless network
roaming feature. Automatic Network Detection has been designed to work on all DHCP enabled networks and devices.
(for more information, please see the: Options -> Automatic Network Detection. And the updated manual)
Improved and enhanced Firefox support.
Firefox support has been greatly enhanced.
Proxy configuration is now faster and more reliable
Improved DNS/WINS/DNS Suffix handling.
The DNS/WINS subsystem has been
redesigned and has been greatly improved
Added support for HTTP/HTTPS based drive mappings.
Enables the use of drive
mappings to web based systems like SharePoint
Added support for User Principal Name (UNP).
Enables the use of modern logon formats,
for example: User@Domain.local
General improvements and enhancements made throughout the program
Version 3.85
Resolved several issues on Windows 7 x64 and 2008 R2
Flush DNS Cache option added (see: Options -> Advanced -> Network)
Resolved an issue where on some systems Firefox was not detected
Resolved a Proxy server issue when using different Proxy servers
General enhancements made throughout the program
Version 3.81
Resolved an issue where on some systems activating a profile on Windows 7
takes a long time
Resolved an issue where on some systems running Windows 7 power savings
could hide the network card from Mobile Net Switch
General enhancements made throughout the program
Version 3.80
Opera proxy support added
New Advanced Options dialog added
Firefox Proxy Exceptions wildcard support added.
(to easily exclude complete networks from using the proxy server.
For example
Support for all proxy auto-configuration files added
General enhancements made throughout the program
Version 3.79
Auto restart Firefox feature added when switching proxy server settings
Improved Network handling under Windows 7
Added support for .CFG proxy auto-configuration files
Restart Network Card option added for Windows Vista and Windows 7.
see: Network -> Advanced options -> Restart NIC)
Resolved compatibility issues with double-byte languages (e.g. Chinese)
General enhancements made throughout the program
Version 3.78
New Proxy Server Settings dialog added
General enhancements made throughout the program
Version 3.77
Resolved several Internet Explorer 8 proxy issues
Resolved several IP issues on Windows 7
Version 3.76
Shared Settings mode support for Windows Vista and Windows 7 added.
(Allows multiple users to share the same MNS settings: Options-Settings mode)
Windows 7 minimize to tray bar option added (see: Options - Advanced)
Several improvements and bug fixes made throughout the program
Version 3.75
Setting the default E-mail Account in Outlook added (see: System -> Outlook).
Support added for Internet (HTTP) based Drive Mappings (e.g. MobileMe iDisk).
Resolved a Time Zone loading issue
Resolved several Wireless Zero Configuration issues
Version 3.74
Multiple Home Pages support added for IE and Firefox (Internet -> Home Page)
Auto-detect proxy (WPAD) for Firefox added (Proxy Server -> Advanced)
Windows 7 enhancements:
- Mobile Net Switch now uses the new Windows 7 Taskbar
- Windows 7 Sound volume and mute support added
- Windows 7 is now fully tested and supported by Mobile Net Switch
Shortcuts added:
- CTRL+TAB can be used to navigate the tabs (Main, Network, Internet etc)
- CTRL+1 to 8 can be used to directly open a tab (1 = Main, 2 = Network, etc)
- CTRL+P opens the Connection Profile List
Several minor improvements made throughout the program
Several minor improvements made throughout the program
Version 3.73
Import current system settings option added
Resolved several Time Zone and Daylight Saving Time issues
Improved support for Windows 7
Version 3.72
Mobile Net Switch now also supports all Windows x64 editions (XP, 2003, Vista and 2008)
Google Chrome support added
General enhancements made throughout the program
Version 3.71
IP Route support added (see: Hosts -> IP Routes)
Power Schemes support added (see: System -> Power Schemes)
General enhancements made throughout the program
Version 3.70
Metric support added (see: Network -> IP Addressing -> Advanced options)
Manage Connection Profiles dialog added (see: Profiles -> Manage)
Improved startup and profile activation performance
Resolved several minor Windows Server 2008 issues
Many enhancements made throughout the program
Version 3.68
Resolved several minor bugs
Improved several User Interface modules under Vista
General enhancements made throughout the program
Version 3.65
Support for switching the Master Sound Volume under Vista added
Full Wallpaper support for Vista added (including Stretch, Tile and Center option)
Version 3.63
Resolved several registration issues
Basic Wallpaper support for Windows Vista added
Several enhancements made throughout the program
Version 3.62
Daylight Saving Time issue resolved
Firefox Proxy Exception issue resolved
Firefox detection issue resolved
Several Windows Vista compatibility updates;
- DNS Suffix for Vista added
- DNS Server issue in Vista resolved
- Registration issue in Vista resolved
Version 3.61
Windows Vista compatibility updates;
- Dynamic outgoing SMTP server support for Vista added
- Dynamic Hosts file support for Vista added
Version 3.60
Windows Vista compatibility update;
- Doesn't require Run as Administrator under Vista anymore
- Doesn't trigger Vista's User Account Control (UAC)
- Full IP Addressing support for Vista added
- Enabling and disabling of Network Connections under Vista added
- Windows Vista Firewall support added
- Drive mapping support added
General enhancements made throughout the program
Version 3.50
Resolved a Wireless Zero Configuration (WPA2) issue in XP
Resolved a Firefox Proxy Exception issue
Several Windows Vista compatibility updates;
- Vista Time zone issues resolved
- Vista Wireless Zero Configuration support added
- Vista IP addressing issues resolved
- Vista high resolution program icon added
- Vista look and feel added
General enhancements made throughout the program
Version 3.49
Firefox compatibility added
Version 3.48
Wireless Zero Configuration support added;
- Wi-Fi is now fully supported, including WPA, WPA+PSK, WPA2 and WEP
Outlook Express support added
Resolved a Firefox proxy issue
Resolved several registration issues
General enhancements made throughout the program